Siloproduktion fra start til slut

Tankene produceres på vores egen fabrik og vi har altid fokus på energiforbruget bag vores produktion.

Milk cooling tanks

​The demand for storing large quantities of milk increases as the farms grow larger.


​Mangler du et rum mellem dine siloer, så kan vi hjælpe dig videre.


Få flere informationer om størrelse og andre tekniske detaljer om siloerne.

Welcome to ADA A/S

We are market leading suppliers of milk cooling tanks for agriculture and we have customers in both Denmark and abroad.

The tanks are produced at our own factory in Skodborg, which means that we can follow the production from start to finish.

Installation at the customer

We have our own trucks fitted with cranes to bring out the tanks to the farmer and install them there. Our service engineers will connect the tank, so that it is ready for use before we leave the customer.

Over time we have developed the ADA-tanks in order to keep up with the development in agriculture and at the dairies, and we work closely with our customers concerning both service as well as development, in order to make sure that our cooling tanks work together with cooling and milking systems in the best possible way.

Low energy consumption

Furthermore, we constantly focus on making sure that the energy consumption of the tanks is as low as possible, with the best possible utilisation.

At ADA we stock all spare parts, and many of our dealers also have the most necessary spare parts in stock. This ensures our customers a fast and efficient service in case a problem arises.

If you do not find what you are looking for on this page, you are more than welcome to contact us on tel. +45 74 84 84 03

Hos os er kunden i centrum

Hos ADA er kunden i centrum, og for os er det derfor vigtigt, at vi er med i projektet hele vejen.

Vi er med fra første spørgsmål

Uanset hvor langt du er i processen så kan vi hjælpe dig videre.

Aftalen accepteres

Når aftalen er på plads, starter vi processen omkring monteringen. 

Klar til brug

Når siloen er monteret, kan du trygt gå i gang med at anvende den.

Kontakt os i dag

Udfyld vores formular med så mange detaljer om dit projekt som muligt og vi vil efterfølgende svare dig hurtigst muligt.

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Industriparken Nord 5

6630 Rødding

CVR: 40590137 

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☎ Phone.: +45 74 84 84 03

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