Milk cooling tanks

The demand for storing large quantities of milk increases as the farms grow larger and the collections become fewer.

An obvious solution to this problem is a milk cooling tank, which can be placed outdoors and therefore do not require an expansion of the milking room.

The ADA-cooling tank

An obvious choice of milk cooling tank is an ADA tank, which has been on the market since 2000 and today is well known in both Denmark and major parts of Northern Europe, as well as approved in a number of countries.

An ADA tank only requires a foundation of 3.3 x 3.3 metres, which then gives space for a tank in whatever size is wanted. Whether it is a tank holding 10,000 litres or 50,000 litres, the diameter is the same.

How the tank is constructed

The ADA milk cooling tank is made up by an inner tank of stainless steel, insulation and an outer wall of all-welded stainless steel with a brushed surface. As a standard, the tank is equipped with washing ball, agitator with gear motor and manhole cover for access to the tank.

The insulation ensures that the temperature of the milk will increase by maximum of one degree over the course of 24 hours, if cooling and stirring is disconnected.

The milk cooling tank is equipped with a cooling base and is available with either indirect cooling (ice water) or direct cooling (freon).

Cleaning the tank

The tanks are prepared for automatic cleaning systems and can be connected to any cleaning system.

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